Saturday, 27 December 2014

Fun Kid Fall Activity Ideas Using Apples

Fall is the season for apples.

Fun kid fall activity ideas include apple arts and crafts, games, and yummy cooking projects.

September 26 is Johnny Appleseed's birthday, so plan a party with apples as the theme.
Make a pretty apple garland with dried apple slices. Slice apples into 1/8" thick across the core.
Soak in lemon juice and salt (1 ½ tablespoon salt per 1 cup of lemon juice) for 20 minutes. The lemon juice and salt preserves the apple slices and keeps them from turning brown.

Pat the slices dry and lay on a baking pan.
Sprinkle with cinnamon and ground cloves, and bake at 150 degrees for about 6 hours or until they look and feel leathery. Have kids gather pretty fall leaves to add to the fall garland. Make a small hole through the center of the apple slices and leaves.
Cut fall ribbon or fabric into 1" x 6" pieces.
You will need lots of apple slices, leaves, and ribbon pieces for a long garland.
To string the garland, thread an apple slice and several leaves onto jute string, and tie a ribbon bow onto the string.
Repeat this pattern until the garland is the desired length.

Tie autumn colored ribbon on each end to secure. Kids can take turns working on this fall craft activity until it is long enough to hang in the classroom or at home.
Kid friendly cooking recipes include making caramel apples slices and homemade applesauce.
Melt about 25 caramel pieces with one tablespoon of water over low-heat. Core apples and slice to about 1" thick. Toss slices in melted caramel and roll in chopped peanuts. Cool the caramel apple slices on wax paper.
Homemade applesauce cooking smells wonderful. Peel, core and quarter 4 medium apples and place in pot.
Add one cup of water to apples and bring to a boil.
Turn to simmer and cook for 5 to 10 minutes or until apples are tender. Add ½ cup brown sugar, ¼ teaspoon cinnamon, 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg, and 1 tablespoon of butter and heat thoroughly.

Mash the apples with a potato masher and cool.

Play apple games such as the popular bobbing for apples in a large bucket of water, or try biting into an apple tied to a string. How about having a relay race by pushing an apple to the finish line with your nose? Don't forget there is always the Apple for the Teacher!

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