Saturday, 6 December 2014

Delight From Children

In addition to my psychic business and radio show I also work with young children regularly.

It is a choice based on pure love.

My favorite group is the infants to five year olds, as these are the years before the shields to love are put up - any doubts and fears about being loveable are mild or nonexistent. Being in the presence of young children who love with abandon reminds me that it is safe to love as I relax into my pure nature of trust and openness. How often in our adult lives do we question if it is safe to love? How might our lives be different if we could delight in the present moment and just feel the love that is there without any expectations? Ahhh.

. to love with the heart of a child!.

Because children are more present in the now and connected to their essence, they are highly intuitive.

Their psychic faculties are still intact and they sense and feel with their whole bodies. They are able to see through the fresh new eyes of love. They do not have a lot of concepts yet about how things or circumstances "should be'.

The adult tendency to label and categorize and judge everything is inactive in the child for the first five years. The greatest spiritual philosophies and teachings can't compare to the gut feeling of a child or of yourself when allow you allow your intuition to speak to you. As we walk along our spiritual path we would be wise to witness what delights the soul of a child.

Notice how excited and animated children get when they play.

They vehemently assume the role of mom and dad or dog and cat while playing house and then just as quickly relinquish their roles to play another part.
Adults tend to do the opposite, hanging on to worn out identities and roles in life long after the enthusiasm and true connection to them is exhausted.

They betray the moment for security or habit.

Children mentor us in becoming more true to ourselves. When they laugh they laugh with their whole bellies shaking.

When they cry they let loose with a piercing sound that doesn't mask their pain.
There is no shameful covering of their emotions.
Their very aliveness and vitality is linked to this willingness to feel and express themselves.
Children have an uncanny ability to reflect our deepest darkest places in ourselves so that these areas can be brought into the light. Dr.

John Demartini says smiling that "children are the disowned parts of ourselves". As a parent of four and a grandparent of one, I would say that my greatest spiritual teachings have come from my children and grandchild. Being a parent affords one the opportunity to learn to love unconditionally each and every day. It is a choice we make each moment whether to open our hearts to love, or to close and build walls around ourselves.

With laughter that delights our souls, let's choose to love with the fearlessly wide-open heart of a child.

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